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Christian Superhero Comics

The Spiritman Update: First Issue

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Page 16

Spiritman Daily Dose 80

Christian Superhero Comics

Martin has spent the whole morning in deep thought. Now he finally emerges from his own concerns to think about another person. There is more to following God than deep meditation. Following God means serving others. Superpower?

"Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world."
James 1:27 WMB

Spiritman Daily Dose 81

Christian Superhero Comics

Wait... "No real proof?" Those guys were following her and you saw it all. Oh yeah, that was a dream. Martin is not sure how much was dream and how much was real... then there was that thing with the car. I can empathize with Martin. How do we know what God wants us to do?

"Every Scripture is God-breathed and* profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness..."
2 Timothy 3:16 WMB

Spiritman Daily Dose 82

Christian Superhero Comics

Martin sure spends a lot of time praying. I think he has been praying for 2 and 1/2 pages now... Whew. He is asking how he can tell the difference between what God wants and his own desires. Reading the scriptures are a part of knowing God's will. Spending time in conversation with God... listening for him to speak is another.

"...with all prayer and requests, praying at all times in the Spirit, and being watchful to this end in all perseverance and requests for all the holy ones..."
Ephesians 6:18 WMB

Spiritman Daily Dose 83

Christian Superhero Comics

Notice how Martin breaks the 4th wall by looking directly at the viewer? The separation between comic panel and viewer is broken down. The intention is to invite the viewer to follow along with Martin as he follows Chelsea. Also, things have been a little intense lately, so there is some comedic relief going on.

"A cheerful heart makes good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."
Proverbs 17:22 WMB

Spiritman Daily Dose 84

Christian Superhero Comics

"Go already." Martin has spent a lot of time dipping his toes into the water. Should I follow Chelsea or not? Scott (the writer) has done a good job building tension in the story here. What kind of story would it be if Martin doesn't follow Chelsea. She would have to show up at his house and knock some sense into him. Martin finally chooses to follow Chelsea even though it feels weird. Hebrews 11 gives us a long list of people who followed God, even though it felt weird. Here is how it starts...

"Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, proof of things not seen."
Hebrews 11:1 WMB

Spiritman Daily Dose 85

Christian Superhero Comics

I love how Martin agrees with the narrator about how much time has passed. That's what you call good editing.
Scott (the writer) has chimed in with some words about Martin... "For Martin, his prayer life is as simple as talking to Martin. To Martin, God is a constant best-friend/lover/benevolent-ruler/much-more companion that he loves to talk with. As we get closer and closer to the others, Cameron, Chelsea, and even Scott and Everett, their thought balloons are always typical thought balloons. They're thinking to themselves. But not Martin. For him prayer is a constant conversation that he cherishes. Whatever other problems his life has, that is never one of them."

"Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Messiah Yeshua."
Philippians 4:5-7 WMB

Spiritman Daily Dose 86

Christian Superhero Comics

So, it was a dream... and it was also real. I think that's where we are. So Martin is afraid, which totally makes sense. The 2 thugs from his dream were rough characters. So Martin has to decide, do I keep following Chelsea, or do I go away? What if God wants me to keep following?

"Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehinnom [Hell]."
Matthew 10:28 WMB


A Word From Our Fans

I learned alot of spiritual truth from this comic. It is an eye opener Please, when is Spiritman issue 4 going to be published?
- Adunola

Paul, I just read Spiritman #1 and want to praise and rebuke you... that's the best time I've had reading a comic book in ages, but darn it, I've got work to do and want to read more instead! Seriously, thank you for what you and Scott are doing. I'm a fan and plan to be a supporter.
- Brem

Hey Paul, awesome drawing. Im hanging on the edge of my seat wondering about those 2 guys and chelsea!
- Harriet

Just wanted to say that I love the comics and the devotional you wrote. If the daily dose resumes I will happily read more, but regardless I appreciate the ministry you have done.
- Ryan

Hello, I was wondering if you ever sell actual copies of Spiritman? My son is asking for them for Christmas.
- Denise

I am a teenager growing in my Christian faith and I love superheroes! This really inspires me to stay strong in my faith and I can relate to it's character's issues. I love its concept. Keep up the good work. I wish it was a T.V. series.
- Samantha

Your comics are highly edifying! Looking forward to more.
- Justin

Victory of the light.. faith, love, truth, and justice.
- Troy

Love the work that you are doing. Joining you in prayer that God will use your work to reach people!
- Jason

Amazing art work, may JESUS continue to push you forward. You are an inspiration to me!
- Christopher

I like the artistic doses; page by page the story is engaging and well drawn.
- Brien

Hi Scott & Everett, I'm an aspiring christian comic book writer and I love your story! You guys are an inspiration to me! I would love to see a thriving christian comic book industry that is producing high quality comics with a great message! I'll be continuing to read and will try to throw some support your way... God bless!
- Todd

Hello! My name is Amanda. I am a teenager, an aspiring Christian author, and a hopeless superhero addict. I just wanted to thank you two for writing those books. Their message came to me at a time when I needed it. They gave me hope. Keep writing and never give up.


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